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Awareness about diabetic eye complications and regular eye examinations plays an important role in avoiding blindness. Objective: To evaluate the level of awareness and knowledge about diabetic eye diseases among diabetic patients. Patients attending Ibn al-Haytham Teaching Hospital for Eye Diseases in Baghdad. Method: This is a cross-sectional study including a sample of 115 diabetic patients attending this center during the treatment period. The period is from 2023/8/15_2023/10/25. To achieve the objectives of the study, a closed study was conducted. A questionnaire that includes different variables related to diabetes awareness for each of them. The authors filled out the questionnaire during interviews with patients.

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Rashid, E. M. H., Khalaf, Z. I. H., Muscat, M. A. . A. alghfer, Ibrahim, O. H. S., & Hussein, H. J. M. (2024). EFFECT OF TYPE2 DIABETES ON EYE DISEASES (LENOPATHY, GLAUCOMA, RETINOPATHY AND OPTIC NEUROPATHY). Journal of Medical Genetics and Clinical Biology, 1(8), 65–76.


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